From Concept to Market, we can take you from an idea all the way to making your first sale.

Our proven design methods give you the assurance you need at every step of the journey.

Design is in our blood

The design of products has been the first and major focus of what we offer.

Our methodologies have gone through their own design process to be able to achieve your product.

Your first idea can be as simple as a scratched out drawing on a napkin, as long as you have an idea and a passion, we can help you.

Get your product to market

We have a strong history of developing for market, working closely between manufacturers and clients in order to deliver a solution that gets made, and gets sold.

Whether your product is completely new or you've already got a prototype we can get you to seeing your idea made.

Experts in prototyping

Prototyping isn't an easy process, with the limitations of materials that can be worked without tens of thousands of pounds in equipment.

Luckily we know all the ways to get a functional prototype in your hands either through rapid prototyping or more traditional manufacturing.


Mechanical R&D


Technology Assessments